
Tiernan Hilley
Past Chairperson

From the start Tiernan has demonstrated his dedication to the society, this made him a fantastic choice for the position of vice-chariperson and then subsequently take the Chairperson position. 2 year member of HackerSoc.

Finished studying Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.

Christian Kelly
Past Accountant

Christian has been a wonderful addtion to the team. One of a handful of first year students at the time to pick up cyber security so quickly. Christian has since become a member of the team ireland ECSC team and an active member of the Hacker Soc for 3 years while being its accountant for two years now.

Finished studying Cyber security.

Andrea Blazquez
Past Student Correspondent

A very friendly and active member she stood out and always got involved where she could. A person who always makes an effort to join in and a drive to learn more.

Finished studying General Computing but intends to switch to Cyber Secuirty.

Nathan Haruta
Past Social Media Officer

Nathan was always good with social media and running youtube channels and keeping up to date with posts. With a very active social media presence Nathan was the best choice for the role.

Finished studying Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.

Dean O'Neill
Past Chairperson & Advsior

Dean was a strong leader he made great strives to get the society to where it is today.

Finished studying Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, as well as being a recognised security researcher and public speaker.

Alan O'Reilly
Past Chairperson - Vice-Chairperson - Social Media


Finished Studying.

Seán Guthrie
Past Vice-Chairperson & Student Correspondent

Seán, with his outgoing personality and his friendly manner, is a very approchable guy about matters both big and small. 3 year member of HackerSoc

Finished studying.

Luke-James Parker
Past Accountant


Finished studying Accounting.


Victor is fluent in multiple computer languages, as well as spoken languages. He has designed many Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges for HackerSoc and has developed the website and platform we currently use for training members of the society. Member of the Irish national cyber security team. 4 year member of HackerSoc.

Finished studying.

Sean Byrne
Past HR Officer

Sean has demonstated from the start of their time with the society that they have quite the way with words, be it convincing someone to take a different approach on an issue or being a mediator during conflict. Sean in their time with the society has proven time and time agian that they belong in this position. 3 year member of HackerSoc.

Finished studying Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.

Jack Fagan
Past - Social Media Officer

Jack, with his party personality and his eye to detail makes him the best option there is for the position of social media officer. Jack has found the perfect balance between being craic and being serious. 2 year member of HackerSoc

Finished studying Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.

Graham Gibney
Past - Chairperson

From the start Graham has demonstrated his dedication to the society, this made him a fantastic choice for the position of vice-chariperson and then subsequently take the Chairperson position. 2 year member of HackerSoc.

Finished studying Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.